The Parents
Born August 8, 2011
9 healthy, beautiful pups!
four boys and five girls...
Do you love the classic black tri? Well we have a pile of them :-) reserve yours now!
Ready to go home beginning October 3.
This was an unplanned litter that happened while I was out of the country.
No cigar for you Max!!
Named for famous Americans!
6 weeks old -
Amelia has gone to live with Karen & Kristen
Black Tri Female -
Amelia for Amelia Earhart
Andy is staying here at KissMe Kennels
Black Tri Male -
Andy for Andrew Carnegie
Rachel has gone to live with Josh & Bryn
Black Tri Female -
Rachel for Rachel Carson
Duke has gone to live with Albert & Family!
Black Tri Male -
The Duke for Duke Ellington
Suzie is staying here at KissMe Kennels
Black Tri Female -
Suzie for Susan B. Anthony
Benny has gone home
with Gary & Family!
Black Tri Male -
Benny for Benjamin Franklin
Rosa has gone to live with Roger & Debbie
Black Tri Female -
Rosa for Rosa Parks


Betsy has gone to live with Drew & Lauren
Black Tri Female -
Betsy for Betsy Ross


Alex has gone to live with Beverly & Family
Black Tri Male -
Alex for Alexander Graham Bell

